Sunday, October 6, 2013

Conference Weekend 10-5-2013

 photo IMG_0779_zps241e830e.jpg Saturday Morning found us hunting spike elk in the beautiful Wasatch Mountains  photo IMG_0774_zpse6391a0c.jpg Matthew made a great shot on his first big game animal  photo IMG_0764_zpsbfd98f33.jpg Nate Dogg set Matthew up with a great shot  photo IMG_2558_zps17613710.jpg Its all fun and games until you have to get one of these beasts off the mountain. Good thing the drag was downhill  photo IMG_2559_zps91877b30.jpg Oak Lane Outfitters really got us in the elk  photo IMG_2563_zps4c9e1382.jpg Stay in the truck Bake  photo IMG_2565_zpsbc2bad3a.jpg Jason's Deli after the Priesthood session. Great to have Dad back with us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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