Sunday, October 18, 2015

Put on your hiking shoes for the Deer Hunt 10-16-2015

 photo IMG_0209_zpsnbhobocd.jpg We loaded our packs and headed to Windy  photo IMG_0205_zpsrzns0p4g.jpg We fueled up with the traditional double cheese burger basket from Ripps  photo IMG_0206_zpsmbqqwkrh.jpg Early on in the hike we were all smiles  photo IMG_0207_zpsjxcto484.jpg  photo IMG_0210_zpsjcf9jvuz.jpg Half way point break  photo IMG_0211_zpsob6egz8j.jpg Its a great feeling when you reach the top  photo IMG_0212_zpshamhykcf.jpg Clark Camp  photo IMG_0214_zpsh0psyzcl.jpg Opening morning was beautiful  photo IMG_0215_zpsmuxs0yek.jpg View from the top of the ridge  photo IMG_0216_zpsgo5bcovk.jpg Nate Dog Glassing Bucks  photo IMG_0217_zpsqttfdmwx.jpg Waiting on the bucks  photo IMG_0219_zpseq1cm4xi.jpg Uncles Jess and Lynn hiking hard  photo IMG_0221_zpskcv6nmnm.jpg Great to be in the mountains together  photo IMG_0222_zpsdvwdccve.jpg  photo IMG_0223_zpslokhijo1.jpg 2 of my 3 sons. We missed Maloy  photo IMG_0224_zpsykgfovma.jpg Uncle Lynn  photo IMG_0232_zpsacd2e54x.jpg The weather turned nasty and we packed it up.  photo IMG_0234_zpsgeinh6ec.jpg It was a wet deer hunt but always worth the hike and being together in these beautiful mountains


Unknown said...

nice hiking looks so fun

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Carl said...

Matt - you forgot all the pictures of deer!

Unknown said...

that was a nice place to have fun while learning new things

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