Sunday, June 22, 2014

Somewhere over the rainbows 6-21-2014

 photo 2014-06-20163935_zpsb5b931c5.jpg We hooked up with OLO and his new Hemi and headed south to Otter Creek for a little camping and fishing  photo 2014-06-21045831_zpscb335da9.jpg The alarm went off at 5:45 and Matthew and Van were ready for lunkers  photo 2014-06-21093526_zpsfa329efa.jpg Bake got us on the board early with a nice rainbow  photo IMG_0011_zps5e927ff8.jpg I followed with a fatty  photo 2014-06-21094559_zps72f79bf4.jpg Great to have Van in the boat and his 1lb. bag of dills  photo 2014-06-21101532_zpsc7f05918.jpg He and Bake were quite the team  photo 2014-06-21082304_zps9ad418cc.jpg Fish on for Nate Thomas of Oak Lane Outfitters  photo 2014-06-21082111_zpsdde933f2.jpg  photo IMG_0005_zpsaa8fa05d.jpg BFOD's  photo IMG_0007_zps10de5f71.jpg A fine stringer  photo 2014-06-21114401_zps596552f8.jpg Pack it up  photo 2014-06-21114353_zps84dbd085.jpg  photo 2014-06-21112608_zps38c8a800.jpg  photo IMG_0015_zps0f48b0b9.jpg And then the sun went down

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