Today I spent the morning in the Uintah mountains watching some amazing dogs

The dogs are run through a series of retrieves that they must perform with exactness

Live ducks are used to simulate real hunting retrieves

The dog handlers talk to their dogs as if they were human

Steve Graham came along and is a trainer in training

Dogs in the hole and on deck stay behind make shift blinds so they don't see the other dogs in action

A serious dog trainer rig. I may need one in the future

Throw in a cow and calf moose and those dogs really have to focus.
I love how the ducks are hung up by their bills. Nice touch. I have a dog who is part beagle who would love to hunt. Too bad she's my dog so she just hunts birds and squirrels in the back yard. She's brought us her killings before. It's not cute.
Dogs were born to hunt. Take them hunting!!!!!
I cant believe you are the bishop, AND you shoot poor baby ducks.
Shame on you.
Just kidding Matt. I love you- I am trying to figure out a cool thing to do with all their feathers...I will let you know when I come up with it.
I love you.
PS Hunters are Hot!
I guess I will have to send her with someone then.
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