If you love hunting or fishing at Utah Lake or the Provo river you need to get out and vote for my Dad this Tuesday Sept 15. My Dad has always been a huge advocate for sportsmen and outdoor enthusiast and will continue to do so as Mayor of Provo. The next several years will be critical for us to have someone as Mayor who understands the issues as they relate to hunting and fishing in Provo. Get out and Vote Steve Clark Mayor for
Dad here with a beautiful Strawberry Cutthroat
Ice fishing for Rainbows
Air Boating on the Great Salt Lake
Duck hunting with sons and grandsons.
Banding Ducks
Pheasant hunting with "Nan" the bird dog
Dear Matt,
I agree that Steve Clark is the right man for the job. His love and enthusiasm for Provo and its natural beauties cannot be duplicated by anyone. When he was a little boy he roamed the mountains, fished in the river, discovered the canyons and loved the cougars (BYU that is). He'a a true native son and would love to represent the citizens of Provo in a manner that would connect the the city and its beautiful surroundings with progress and family neighborhood sustainability. That's what Provo is all about!
I never thought about that, to vote for Steve Clark because he likes the outdoors.
I just added that to my list. Reason #1170
vote for stever
Im wearing my Vote for Steve shirt to school- we'll show Timpview who's boss.
Steve Clark is the obvious choice for mayor!
I endorse Steve Clark.
Matt, your blog is so awesome. I love this post. I love the pics of your dad in camo. Also, you and Katy are the cutest couple.
Thanks for sharing your stories.
Jaimee Rose
Also please tell Jesse that once I wrote a story about taxidermy. And also bass fishing -- should he wish to get back on his google fest.
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